Family faces more months in isolation despite easing of restrictions

7 May 2020

A Gympie family claims isolation has forced them to become around-the-clock carers for their disabled son because they cannot access regular support services and there is no end in sight.

Gympie mother-of-two, Courtney Bowers, said her family has been in self-isolation since the coronavirus pandemic was announced, fearing their seven-year-old son Baxter could become gravely ill if he was to contract the virus.

“Baxter is severely disabled,” she said.

“He has Cerebral Palsy, an auto-immune disorder [and] he’s non-verbal and non mobile.”

Mrs Bowers and her husband Casey run a goat farm east of Gympie and say not being able to send Baxter to school is extremely difficult.

“We also have 32 acres with goats so trying to do your everyday routine is very tricky.”

No support worker, no school

The Bowers would normally have an NDIS support worker come to their home to help care for Baxter for three hours each week, but that too has ceased.

“It gives us a chance to go out and do some repairs on the farm — my husband and I are team so we work together,” Mrs Bowers said.

Mrs Bowers has been receiving support from Gympie Special School where Baxter would normally attend.

“The school’s been fantastic,” she said.
“Lyn, our teacher, is just an amazing support network for what we’ve been going through.

“She’s made sure we have access to absolutely everything they have in the classroom.”

A young boy sitting in his wheelchair on the grass with a brown baby goat in his lapA young boy sitting in his wheelchair on the grass with a brown baby goat in his lap
Baxter Bowers on his family’s goat farm near Gympie.

‘We’ve got to keep going’

While restrictions across the state are starting to ease, for the Bowers it will be much longer before life returns to any kind of normality.

“He’s also got epilepsy. On top of everything else we’ve had a few temperatures this week so we’ve had seizures.

“We’ve got to keep that social isolation going a lot longer than other families.”

Mrs Bowers said there are many other families of special needs children and adults in the same situation, who do not have family living close by to offer support.

“If they let family members come and support their families that would probably make life a bit easier,” she said.

“It’s a hard situation because everyone is out protecting their loved ones but at the same time they’re taking on the extra load of supporting them.”

Compassionate travel to support families

Local Federal Member, Llew O’Brien, agrees it is a tricky situation.

The Member for Wide Bay used to be an adopt-a-cop at Gympie Special School when he was a serving officer and said parents have a tough situation ahead.

Mr O’Brien said he was happy to seek advice on whether there were compassionate grounds for family members to travel to help families.

“I know there’s compassionate grounds that people are able to travel on,” he said.

“I’m happy to seek the best medical advice I can for them.”

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The Virus

ABC News Disability Direct



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