Military personnel using fake or anonymous profiles to post offensive material online are being warned they can easily be tracked down and punished for breaching Defence policies.
Key points:
- ADF members have been warned they will be caught if they post offensive content
- Last month the ABC revealed an Instagram page run by soldiers mocked alleged war crimes
- It is understood at least one current ADF employee has been questioned over the page
The crackdown on social media was introduced just days after the ABC revealed that current and former Australian special forces soldiers were operating an Instagram account called State Sanctioned Violence, which mocked allegations of war crimes allegedly committed by their comrades in Afghanistan.
In a message sent by Defence Chief Angus Campbell and Defence Secretary Greg Moriarty last month, ADF members and civilian staff are warned it is “essential” to adhere to Defence’s Media and Communication Policy.
“We do not tolerate any Defence person, whether an ADF member, an APS employee or a contractor, engaging in behaviour or content that is inconsistent with our Defence values and policy,” he said.
“All defence personnel have an obligation to uphold these standards at all times,” General Campbell and Secretary Moriarty wrote on September 15.
Under the official guidelines, personnel are warned they must not “join or remain a member of a group, forum, site or discussion that is involved in or promotes behaviour that is exploitative, objectifying or derogatory or in any other way breaches any relevant legislation or Defence policies”.

It also warns against posts that are “defamatory, vulgar, obscene, abusive, profane, threatening, racially or ethnically hateful or otherwise offensive or illegal information or material”.
Defence has also warned personnel that hiding behind fake identities is not an excuse, and they can still be caught.
“Anyone identified as having posted or engaged with inappropriate material, including anonymously or under a pseudonym, will be held accountable for contravening Defence policy,” the Chief and Secretary warned.
Member questioned over Instagram account
The ABC can also reveal that a serving Defence member was this week questioned over links to a public Instagram account that sold merchandise including bumper stickers reading “Make Diggers Violent Again” and “Taliban Tears”, and T-shirts with “High Velocity Atrocities” emblazoned on them.
A Defence spokesperson has confirmed that the Instagram account titled State Sanctioned Violence is currently under investigation.
“As this matter is still under investigation, it is inappropriate for Defence to provide further comment.”
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