Madonna Brady

Founder of the Australian and New Zealand Parkinsons Support Chat Group

Has her say, in her blog and in her podcasts now on 4ZZZ 12pm Sundays. Listen to her past recordings here, with great music and relevant and entertaining discussions

Listen to Madonna's Latest

Listen to Madonna discuss issues such as demographics, government assistance and what Parkinsons Queensland is doing for its members with Parkinsons Queensland CEO Miguel Diaz

Readings and listenings from Madonna

From the Blog 4 ZZZ

Dig it Up

Dig it Up

Growing up in the ’70s in Brisbane, Australia in the backyard we had: a vegetable patch, compost heap, an incinerator and of course, a Hills Hoist.  It was a place to play backyard cricket, do gymnastics  or at least headstands, plant vegetable gardens and grow things like choko vines, Passionfruit, Paw Paws and Bowen Mangoes if you were lucky. My Parents love gardening,  when we were young, Mum  and Dad planted the front garden with annuals and roses, making a beautiful display outside and inside the house bunches of cut flowers were plentiful.

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What the Dickens! I am back…..

What the Dickens! I am back…..

Down an internet rabbit hole and  happened to stumble across my blog and thought why not crank it up again? 
Let me state to begin with, it still seems weird to say ‘my blog’ even in my head, it’s a little like saying my Maserati or my Gucci handbag. It sounds so ostentatious!  The practice of writing thoughts and ideas helps to make sense of this crazy world we live in.  

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Hello is there anybody in there?

Hello is there anybody in there?

A cute little girl in a Frozen costume, her brother also wearing a frozen costume with Grandad and Grandma beaming brightly in the  front yard. They are all smiling and happy, the grandma is a recognisable Stafford identity. The group is obviously enjoying Halloween in Stafford, Trick or Treating in a neighbourhood where it is not really done. For the last 25 years it has been an older persons area, we were the young family. Years ago when my kids wanted to do Trick or Treating, I gave a warning to the elderly ladies around the corner, and a sneaky packet of wrapped lollies also.

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Driving into downtown Vancouver the taxi driver tells us the the properties are worth millions 
Arrived at our hotel, Rosdale on Robson in Vancouver Canada at 8am after a flight of over 13 hours from Brisbane, Australia. Our suite was ready and sooooo comfortable.

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Yesterday, the Board of Parkinsons Queensland Inc, of which I am a member, spent the day developing a practical and achievable strategic plan for PQI in 2016 and beyond.  New and enhanced learnings and understandings about PQI and the big picture were gained. The challenges and opportunities both internal and external were identified and discussed

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On being fabulous

Sometimes I just can’t help it, I’m fabulous! Other times I’m just me…..
This week I’ve been spectacular in a few ways…..I have indeed
– taken brisk morning walks
– organised support group meetings for which I will not be present because I’ve double booked
– started a paper diary to keep it all together
– produced two fantastic radio shows from my own home
– started my poster for the WPC poster displays
– planned the borders for a quilt
– talked with great people around the world

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Life is full of surprises

irds……hold a fascination, effortlessly flying through the air, gliding over water, perching on small branches, their heads moving to enquire. Light hopping movements or striding with pride investigating and always searching for sustenance, nesting materials, safety with birdsong sweet, loud and vibrant.

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Sing a happy song

Music can take you anywhere and show tunes definitely make me feel happy, except for those annoying ones. Can’t think of any annoying show tunes at the moment, my head is full of happy songs and the verve of the music I’ve been listening to whilst preparing for the Wednesday radio show.

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Happy Friday

Happy New Year! With the new year comes new beginnings, another chance to start anew. Have a look at life in a fresh way. Planning a NFY resolution? I am!  Here it is……Get more sleep 
The takeaway message from Linda Rondstadt in the interview below is really vital for everyone and especially for people living with Parkinson’s. 

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Past RecordingsNew