Dig it Up

Dig it Up

Growing up in the ’70s in Brisbane, Australia in the backyard we had: a vegetable patch, compost heap, an incinerator and of course, a Hills Hoist.  It was a place to play backyard cricket, do gymnastics  or at least headstands, plant vegetable gardens and grow things like choko vines, Passionfruit, Paw Paws and Bowen Mangoes if you were lucky. My Parents love gardening,  when we were young, Mum  and Dad planted the front garden with annuals and roses, making a beautiful display outside and inside the house bunches of cut flowers were plentiful.

Happy Friday

Happy New Year! With the new year comes new beginnings, another chance to start anew. Have a look at life in a fresh way. Planning a NFY resolution? I am!  Here it is……Get more sleep 
The takeaway message from Linda Rondstadt in the interview below is really vital for everyone and especially for people living with Parkinson’s.